If Mendel had only looked at a single cross that produced 10 offspring to determine the pattern of inheritance of seed shape in pea plants, what might he have inferred?


That only one phenotype would have been produced without change.


If Mendel had only looked at a single cross that produced 10 offspring to determine the pattern of inheritance of seed shape in pea plants, he might have inferred a preliminary understanding of the inheritance pattern. However, it is essential to note that a single cross and a small number of offspring are not statistically significant enough to draw conclusive inferences about inheritance patterns.

To gain a better understanding of the pattern of inheritance, Mendel could have performed additional crosses and analyzed larger populations. By doing this, he would have been able to gather more data and establish a clearer pattern in the inheritance of seed shape.

Mendel's actual experiments involved studying multiple crosses and considering thousands of offspring to reach his conclusions. Through rigorous statistical analysis and observation of various traits across many generations, he was able to establish the principles of inheritance known as Mendelian genetics.