What happened to the proportions of the two phenotypes as the F1 generation grew from 10 to 100 offspring? Why?

What phenotypes?

an individual's actual appearance. may include physical characteristics, microsoptic or metabolic charisteristics

To determine why the proportions of the two phenotypes changed as the F1 generation grew from 10 to 100 offspring, we need to understand the underlying genetic principles. This specific scenario suggests that there is some type of genetic cross or breeding experiments involved.

To get a clear understanding of the situation, we would need information about the initial parental generation and their genotypes. However, I can provide a general explanation based on typical Mendelian inheritance patterns.

In Mendelian genetics, the phenotypic ratios in a cross between two individuals depend on the specific alleles and their dominance relationships. For simplicity, let's consider a single gene with two alleles: A and a. Capital letters represent dominant alleles, while lowercase letters represent recessive alleles.

In the F1 generation resulting from the cross between pure-breeding parents (AA and aa), the offspring are expected to exhibit the dominant phenotype because the dominant allele masks the expression of the recessive allele.

For example, if we assume that the dominant allele (A) determines a purple flower color and the recessive allele (a) determines a white flower color, all F1 progeny will have purple flowers (assuming AA x aa cross). So, the phenotype ratio would be 100% purple flowers (10/10 offspring when starting with 10).

However, as the F1 generation grows from 10 to 100 offspring, we could observe a change in the phenotypic ratio due to the segregation of alleles during meiosis and random fertilization. These processes can lead to an assortment of alleles and subsequent variations in phenotypic outcomes.

If the F1 generation is allowed to reproduce among themselves (F1 x F1 cross), a typical scenario would involve the phenotypic ratio of 3:1 in the F2 generation, which is a classic Mendelian dihybrid cross ratio. This ratio arises due to the independent assortment of alleles on different homologous chromosomes during meiosis.

In summary, without specific details about the genetic cross, it is challenging to provide a specific answer. However, considering Mendelian principles, the change in proportions of the two phenotypes as the F1 generation grows from 10 to 100 offspring could be due to the segregation and recombination of alleles during meiosis and random fertilization.