how many moles of SO3 are produced from 3 moles of O2?

To determine the number of moles of SO3 produced from 3 moles of O2, we need to use the balanced chemical equation for the reaction in which O2 reacts to produce SO3.

The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is:

2 SO2 + O2 → 2 SO3

From the equation, we can see that 2 moles of SO2 react with 1 mole of O2 to produce 2 moles of SO3.

Using this stoichiometry, we can set up a proportion:

2 mol SO3 / 1 mol O2 = X mol SO3 / 3 mol O2

Simplifying the proportion, we find:

X mol SO3 = (2 mol SO3 / 1 mol O2) * 3 mol O2

X mol SO3 = 6 mol SO3

Therefore, 3 moles of O2 produce 6 moles of SO3.