For my Spanish class I need to memorize a poem in Spanish that uses mostly subjunctive. It should be 1/4 to 1/2 a page long.

I have tried searching for famous Spanish poets and looking through their poems to find subjunctive and have come up empty handed. Can anyone help me?

Gracias SraJMcGin por recomendar el poema. Y por el preciso y precioso comentario.

Un saludo,
h Barrero

The second example.

The page won't open =(

Of course! Finding a specific poem that meets your criteria can be challenging, but I can guide you through the process of finding a suitable poem that predominantly uses the subjunctive mood. Here are a few steps you can follow:

1. Start by searching for famous Spanish poets or Spanish poetry collections. You can use search engines like Google or specialized resources like poetry databases or libraries to find renowned Spanish poets.

2. Once you have identified some well-known poets, research their most famous works or collections. Look for any information about the themes or style of their poetry.

3. Next, you can start reading some of their poems to determine if they contain a significant amount of subjunctive usage. Read through a few lines or stanzas of each potential poem and analyze the verb forms to see if the subjunctive mood is prevalent.

4. If you struggle to find a suitable poem by a specific poet, consider expanding your search to include different periods or styles of Spanish poetry. This can help you discover new poets who focus more heavily on the subjunctive mood.

5. Another approach is to focus on specific themes that are commonly associated with the subjunctive mood, such as love, uncertainty, desire, or doubt. Search for Spanish poems that embody these themes, as they are more likely to contain a significant amount of subjunctive verbs.

6. Additionally, you can consult your Spanish teacher or classmates for recommendations. They may have come across some poems in their studies that match your criteria.

Remember, finding an exact poem may require some effort and exploration, but by following these steps and being persistent, you should be able to locate a suitable poem that primarily features the subjunctive mood. Good luck in your search, and I hope you find the perfect poem for your Spanish class!