does a question of policy speech have to be on a law or policy? Or can It be persuading someone to do something (like volunteer, or encouraging them to graduate debt free)

I believe a policy speech should be about a public policy or law.

do you have any examples?

It's legal for s to marry in several states.

Recreational marijuana is legal in Colorado.

A question of policy speech typically focuses on advocating for a particular course of action or policy change. While it often involves discussing laws or policies, the topic of the speech doesn't necessarily have to be limited to those. It can certainly involve persuading or encouraging others to take specific actions, such as volunteering or graduating debt-free.

When crafting a question of policy speech, the key is to identify a problem or issue and propose a specific solution or course of action. This can be in the form of advocating for the adoption of new laws or policies, but it can also involve persuasive arguments aimed at motivating individuals to make certain choices or engage in certain behaviors.

So, in short, a question of policy speech doesn't have to be solely about laws or policies but should primarily focus on proposing and advocating for a specific action or change in behavior.