Where can I get a summary of "The Greatest Salesman in the World" by Og Mandino?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Sometimes you can get a short summary on the book jacket. There are many sites where you can purchase this book but the following site was the only one I found with a very brief description. Look at the very bottom where it says "product information."


Since this book is relatively recent and still under copyright (for a long time, I might add), the best you're probably going to get is on bookselling websites:

Scroll down for a couple of reviews.

You'll also find references by searching with Google:


To get a summary of "The Greatest Salesman in the World" by Og Mandino, you can start by looking for the book jacket of the physical book. The book jacket usually contains a brief summary of the book. You can find the book jacket by visiting a local bookstore or library, or by searching online bookstores that have the book listed.

One option is to visit a website like Amazon.ca, where you can find the book and view its product information. On the Amazon.ca page for "The Greatest Salesman in the World," scroll down to the "product information" section, where you might find a short summary of the book.

Another option is to search for the book on popular online bookstores like Amazon.com. On the Amazon.com page for "The Greatest Salesman in the World," you can scroll down to find reviews. These reviews might give you a general idea of what the book is about.

If you want to explore more options, you can also search for the book on search engines like Google. By searching for "The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino," you'll find various websites and resources that mention the book. These might include book review websites, blog posts, or articles that provide summaries or insights into the book.

Remember that "The Greatest Salesman in the World" is a copyrighted book, so finding a detailed summary might be challenging. However, by utilizing these resources and exploring different websites, you can gather enough information to get a good sense of the book's content.