Mrs. Bates watched David work a puzzle that he had chosen from the ones she put on the table. She listened and commented when David made guesses at the correct location for the pieces. This is an example of a/an __________ activity.

A. structured

B. unstructured

C. child-initiated

D. child-centered



To determine the answer, we need to understand the characteristics of each type of activity.

A. Structured activity:
In a structured activity, there is usually a set plan or guidelines that are predetermined by an adult or teacher. The activity is often focused on specific learning objectives, and the adult provides instructions and guidance throughout the process.

B. Unstructured activity:
An unstructured activity does not have any specific rules or guidelines. It is an open-ended activity where the child can freely explore and create without any predetermined objectives or constraints.

C. Child-initiated activity:
In a child-initiated activity, the child takes the lead in choosing and directing the activity. The child's interests and motivations shape the activity, and they have a sense of ownership and control over what they are doing.

D. Child-centered activity:
A child-centered activity is one where the focus is on the interests, needs, and developmental level of the child. The activity is designed to be engaging and meaningful for the child, with the adult's role being a facilitator and supporter.

Based on the description provided, Mrs. Bates watched David work a puzzle that he had chosen from the ones she put on the table. She listened and commented when David made guesses at the correct location for the pieces. This indicates that David is taking the lead in choosing the puzzle and directing his own actions. Mrs. Bates is providing support and commenting on David's guesses. Therefore, the correct answer would be C. child-initiated activity.