utiliser un pronom complement d'object direct:

Tu utilises souvent Internet pour faire des recherches?

Is it....Je l'utilise souvent pour les faire.
Je l'utilise souvent pour faire des recherches.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Fo rum. I'd stay with number 1 because you used TWO direct-object pronouns (l'utilise & pour les faire.)

Bon travail!


The correct answer is: "Je l'utilise souvent pour faire des recherches."

To use a direct object pronoun in this sentence, we need to replace the noun "Internet" with the pronoun. In this case, the pronoun that represents "Internet" is "le" because "Internet" is masculine singular.

Now, let's break down the sentence:
- "Tu utilises souvent Internet pour faire des recherches?" translates to "Do you often use the Internet to do research?"
- Instead of repeating the noun "Internet," we replace it with the pronoun "le" to create "Je l'utilise souvent" which means "I use it often."
- The remaining part of the sentence, "pour faire des recherches," remains the same and translates to "to do research."

So the complete sentence with the direct object pronoun would be: "Je l'utilise souvent pour faire des recherches."