1. ¿Sabes quién ganó el partido de fútbol?

Sé que _______.
A. soportaron
B. empataron
C. prestaron
D. fueron
I said B
2. ¿Cómo te _______ cuando eras pequeño?
Muy mal. Siempre me peleaba con mi hermana menor.
A. llorabas
B. portabas
C. preferías
D. eras
I said D
3. Cuando era niño, mi dormitorio siempre estaba desordenado porque yo nunca lo _______.
A. arreglo
B. arreglaba
C. arreglé
D. arreglando
I said C
4. Cuando eras pequeña, ¿vivían tus abuelos cerca de tu familia?
No, ellos ____ muy lejos.
A. vivimos
B. vivían
C. viven
D. vivíamos
I said D
5. Cuando cantaban en el coro, ¿cuántos años tenían Uds.?
_____ doce años.
A. Tenemos
B. Tienen
C. Tenían
D. Teníamos
I said A
6. Cuando tenías ocho años, ¿te portabas _____ en la escuela?
No, era muy travieso.
A. mal
B. malo
C. bien
D. bueno
I said C
7. ¿Qué hicieron tú y tus sobrinos cuando llegaron a tu fiesta de sorpresa?
______, por supuesto.
A. Nos despedimos
B. Nos invitaron
C. Se regalaron
D. Nos abrazamos
I’m not too sure about this one, I think it might be D
8. Cuando tu hermana se graduó, ¿cómo se saludaron ella y el director?
A. Se despidío.
B. Se encontraron.
C. Se dieron la mano.
D. Nos abrazamos.
I said C
9. Es necesario poner _____ pilas en el radio.
A. peines
B. lisos
C. pilas
D. lonas
I said C
10. ¿Por qué no ______ tu hermana y tú?
Porque siempre nos peleamos.
A. se despiden
B. se dicen
C. se hablan
D. se gradúan
I said C
1. ¿Se divirtieron Uds. En la fiesta de fin de año?
Sí, pero comimos demasiado. La madre de Pablo nos ______ mucha comida.
A. sirve
B. saludó
C. besó
D. sirvió
I said D
2. Carla, el tocacintas mío no funciona. ¿Puedo usar _____?
¡Claro que sí! Aquí lo tienes.
A. tuyo
B. nuestros
C. el tuyo
D. los suyos
I said A
3. ¿Les mostraste a Ana y a Paco tu tocacintas Nuevo?
Sí, y ellos me ___ el suyo también.
A. muestran
B. muestra
C. mostraron
D. mostró
I said D
4. ¿Te gusta la casa nueva de los García?
Sí, me gusta su casa, pero prefiero _______.
A. la nuestra
B. el nuestro
C. nuestra
D. nuestro
I said A
5. Perdone, señor. ¿Dónde están los servicios?
Están ______ de ;a tienda, en la sección de ropa para caballeros.
A. en el mostrador
B. al fondo
C. en la escalera
D. en la caja
I said B
6. Héctor, ¿vamos al centro para hacer las compras mañana?
No, puedo. ¡Siempre ______ mucho dinero cuando voy de compras!
A. vendo
B. me maquillo
C. ahorro
D. gasto
I said D
7. Para aprender bien el español, uno debe ir algún país donde _____ español.
A. hablas
B. se habla
C. te hablas
D. se afeita
I said C
8. ¿Siempre te bañas por la noche?
No, _______ me baño por la noche. Prefiero bañarme por la mañana.
A. siempre
B. todos los días
C. nadie
D. nunca
I said D

I'll send this to Sra.

1. = perfecto

2. When you see "te" as part of the verb, you need a Reflexive Verb. The correct answer is B (portarse = to behave)
3. = perfecto
4. = Did you see the "ellos" referring to the Grandparents (they)? The answer is B.
5. & 6. = perfectos
7. "uno" means "one" and is 3rd person singular. The answer is B. (where one speaks Spanish/where Spanish is spoken)
8. perfecto

Again, I'll flag this and come back later to see if you had questions.


1. Es necesario poner _____ pilas en el radio.

A. peines
B. lisos
C. pilas
D. lonas
I said C
2. ¿Por qué no ______ tu hermana y tú?
Porque siempre nos peleamos.
A. se despiden
B. se dicen
C. se hablan
D. se gradúan
I said C

Both 1 and 2 are correct.


1. The question asks who won the soccer match. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct option. Option B ("empataron") means "they tied" in English, which indicates that neither team won the match. Therefore, the correct answer is B.

2. The question asks how you were when you were young. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct option. Option D ("eras") means "you were" in English, indicating that you were in a certain behavior. Therefore, the correct answer is D.

3. The question asks why your bedroom was always messy when you were a child. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct option. Option C ("arreglé") means "I cleaned" in English, indicating that you never cleaned your bedroom. Therefore, the correct answer is C.

4. The question asks if your grandparents lived near your family when you were little. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct option. Option D ("vivíamos") means "we lived" in English, indicating that your grandparents lived far away. Therefore, the correct answer is D.

5. The question asks how old you were when you were singing in the choir. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct option. Option A ("Tenemos") means "we have" in English, indicating your current age. Therefore, the correct answer is A.

6. The question asks whether you behaved well or not in school when you were eight years old. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct option. Option C ("bien") means "well" in English, indicating that you behaved well in school. Therefore, the correct answer is C.

7. The question asks what you and your nephews did when they arrived at your surprise party. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct option. Option D ("Nos abrazamos") means "we hugged each other" in English, indicating that you and your nephews hugged each other. Therefore, the correct answer is D.

8. The question asks how your sister and the director greeted each other when she graduated. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct option. Option C ("Se dieron la mano") means "they shook hands" in English, indicating that they greeted each other by shaking hands. Therefore, the correct answer is C.

9. The question asks what needs to be put in the radio. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct option. Option C ("pilas") means "batteries" in English, indicating that batteries need to be put in the radio. Therefore, the correct answer is C.

10. The question asks why you and your sister don't talk to each other. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct option. Option C ("se hablan") means "they talk to each other" in English, which indicates that you and your sister talk to each other. Therefore, the correct answer is C.

11. The question asks if you all had fun at the New Year's party. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct option. Option D ("sirvió") means "served" in English, indicating that Pablo's mother served a lot of food to you all. Therefore, the correct answer is D.

12. The question asks if you can use Carla's cassette player since yours doesn't work. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct option. Option A ("tuyo") means "yours" in English, indicating that you can use Carla's cassette player. Therefore, the correct answer is A.

13. The question asks if Ana and Paco showed you their new cassette player. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct option. Option D ("mostró") means "showed" in English, indicating that they showed you their new cassette player. Therefore, the correct answer is D.

14. The question asks if you like the Garcia's new house. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct option. Option A ("la nuestra") means "ours" in English, indicating that you prefer your own house. Therefore, the correct answer is A.

15. The question asks where the restrooms are. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct option. Option B ("al fondo") means "at the back" in English, indicating that the restrooms are located at the back of the store. Therefore, the correct answer is B.

16. The question asks if you always spend a lot of money when you go shopping. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct option. Option D ("gasto") means "I spend" in English, indicating that you always spend a lot of money. Therefore, the correct answer is D.

17. The question states that in order to learn Spanish well, one must go to a country where _____ Spanish is spoken. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct option. Option B ("se habla") means "is spoken" in English, indicating that Spanish is spoken in that country. Therefore, the correct answer is B.

18. The question asks if you always take a shower at night. To answer this question, you need to choose the correct option. Option D ("nunca") means "never" in English, indicating that you never take a shower at night. Therefore, the correct answer is D.