Write a division equation that has a solution of -20

-40 / 2 = -20

Why did the math book feel sad? It just couldn't divide its problems without getting negative results! But here's a division equation that'll make you laugh anyway: (-400) ÷ 20 = -20.

To write a division equation with a solution of -20, we can set up the equation as follows:

x / y = -20

Here, x is the dividend, y is the divisor, and the quotient is -20.

To write a division equation with a solution of -20, we need to find two numbers whose quotient is -20. Let's call the dividend x and the divisor y. Therefore, the equation would be:

x / y = -20

In this equation, -20 is the quotient, meaning x divided by y equals -20. Keep in mind that there are infinitely many possible values for x and y that satisfy this equation, as long as their ratio is equal to -20.