Which of the following describes the correct sequence of events

during the water cycle?

precipitation → condensation → evaporation → runoff
condensation → precipitation → runoff → evaporation
runoff → condensation → evaporation → precipitation
evaporation → condensation → runoff → precipitation

Which set of terms applies to processes in which water undergoes a
change of state?

condensation and evaporation
precipitation and evaporation
condensation and precipitation
evaporation, condensation, and precipitation

Which of the following is not needed to make a model of the water cycle?

an energy source
a closed container
a drain

Which of the following explains why water is a limited resource?

Water is present on Earth in a fixed amount that does not change.

Water is degrading slowly with time.
Only water not present in oceans is available for living things to use.
Once it ends up as groundwater, water is no longer available for living things to use.



The correct sequence of events during the water cycle is: evaporation → condensation → precipitation → runoff.

The set of terms that applies to processes in which water undergoes a change of state is: evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.

An energy source is not needed to make a model of the water cycle.

Water is a limited resource because once it ends up as groundwater, it is no longer available for living things to use.

To answer these questions, let's break down each question and explain how to arrive at the correct answer.

1. Which of the following describes the correct sequence of events during the water cycle?
To determine the correct sequence of events during the water cycle, we need to understand the different stages involved. The water cycle starts with evaporation, where water changes from a liquid state to a vapor or gas state. Then, condensation takes place, where the water vapor cools and turns back into liquid form. Next, precipitation occurs, which includes rain, snow, sleet, or hail falling from the atmosphere to the Earth's surface. Finally, runoff refers to the movement of excess water from the surface to rivers, lakes, or oceans.
By examining the given options, we can conclude that the correct sequence is: evaporation → condensation → precipitation → runoff.

2. Which set of terms applies to processes in which water undergoes a change of state?
To identify the processes in which water undergoes a change of state, we need to be familiar with the terms used to describe these changes. The water cycle involves three main processes: evaporation, which is the change of liquid water into water vapor or gas; condensation, which is the change of water vapor into liquid water; and precipitation, which is the falling of condensed water from the atmosphere to the Earth's surface in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail.
From the given options, the set of terms that applies to these processes is: condensation and evaporation.

3. Which of the following is not needed to make a model of the water cycle?
To create an accurate model of the water cycle, we should consider the essential components. The water cycle involves the movement and transformation of water, so we need to take into account the key elements. An energy source is necessary to drive the processes of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Water is the central element itself, as it undergoes various changes throughout the cycle. A closed container is often used to simulate the containment and circulation of water within a model. However, a drain is not necessary in a model of the water cycle, as it does not represent a typical feature of the natural water cycle.
Therefore, the correct answer is: a drain.

4. Which of the following explains why water is a limited resource?
Understanding why water is a limited resource requires recognizing the factors that contribute to its scarcity. The Earth's water supply is not infinite, and its availability for use by living things is influenced by several factors. Water is present on Earth in a fixed amount that does not change, meaning there is a finite amount of water available. Additionally, although the water cycle allows for the continuous movement and recycling of water, some water becomes unavailable for immediate use. This includes water that ends up as groundwater, as it may not be easily accessible for consumption by living things. Furthermore, considering that oceans contain a vast amount of water, only the water not present in oceans is available for living things to use.
Hence, the correct answer is: Only water not present in oceans is available for living things to use.