Amira decides that she wants the 10 molds to have a square base. How many possible molds can she use? Volume is 28 cubic centimeters when it was a rectangular prism. Please answer thanks

I think the answer is ten because rectangular prisms have square bases so 10



Did not work


To determine the number of possible molds that can have a square base, we first need to understand the given volume of 28 cubic centimeters.

A rectangular prism has three dimensions: length, width, and height. Let's assume the length of the mold is denoted by "l," the width is denoted by "w," and the height is denoted by "h."

Since the volume of a rectangular prism is calculated by multiplying its length, width, and height together (V = l * w * h), we can express the given volume as 28 = l * w * h.

Now, since Amira wants the molds to have a square base, we know that the length and width will be the same. Let's denote this square base's side length as "x."

For the molds, the height can vary, but the volume will remain the same. We can rewrite the volume equation as 28 = x * x * h.

To find the possible molds, we need to determine the values of "x" and "h" that satisfy this equation. Since 28 = x^2 * h, we can list the factors of 28 and solve for "x" and "h" combinations.

The factors of 28 are: 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, and 28.

For each factor pair, we can assign values to "x" and "h" to test if they satisfy the equation. Remember, "x" represents the side length of the square base, and "h" represents the height.

By substituting the factor pairs, we get:

1) x = 1, h = 28 (1^2 * 28 = 28)
2) x = 2, h = 14 (2^2 * 14 = 28)
3) x = 4, h = 7 (4^2 * 7 = 28)
4) x = 7, h = 4 (7^2 * 4 = 28)
5) x = 14, h = 2 (14^2 * 2 = 28)
6) x = 28, h = 1 (28^2 * 1 = 28)

From these combinations, we can see that there are 6 possible molds with a square base and a volume of 28 cubic centimeters.