The writing style that shows the irrationality of human existence is called?

Answers are

Possibly, but I'd choose satire.


writeacher, what an idiot. teachers in the net want to make students wrong. pick absurdism guys, if this person says what he/she really is, then he/she is a pretty bad teacher.

piss on my chest senpai

The writing style that shows the irrationality of human existence is called Absurdist. This style of writing, often found in literature and theater, reflects the absurdity and meaninglessness of life. Absurdist works typically feature illogical events, contradictory or purposeless actions, and characters who struggle to find meaning in a chaotic world.

To arrive at this answer, you can use your knowledge of literary genres and their characteristics. The other options provided, Safire, Tragedy, and Comedy, do not specifically highlight the irrationality of human existence. While Tragedy and Comedy can touch on elements of human irrationality, they focus more on themes like suffering and humor, respectively. However, Absurdist writing directly confronts the irrationality inherent in the human condition.

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