trace and describe the image formed by a convex lens (object between 2f and f)

To describe and trace the image formed by a convex lens when the object is placed between 2f (twice the focal length) and f (the focal length), you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the behavior of a convex lens: A convex lens is a converging lens that has a thicker center and thinner edges. It refracts light towards a common point called the focal point.

2. Determine the position of the object: In this case, the object is placed between 2f and f. This means that the object is outside the focal length but still within twice the focal length.

3. Identify the focal points: Locate the two focal points of the lens. They are equidistant from the lens but on opposite sides.

4. Identify the optical center: The optical center of the lens is the point at which light passes through without being deviated. This point is typically located at the center of the lens.

5. Draw the incident rays: Start by drawing three incident rays from the object towards the lens. These rays can be drawn parallel to the principal axis, through the focal point on one side, and through the optical center.

6. Refraction of rays: When the rays pass through the lens, they bend according to the law of refraction. Rays parallel to the principal axis converge towards the focal point on the opposite side of the lens. Rays passing through the focal point emerge parallel to the principal axis. Rays passing through the optical center remain undeviated.

7. Locate the image: Locate the point where the rays intersect after refraction. This point will represent the image formed by the lens.

8. Determine the nature and properties of the image: In this case, the image formed by a convex lens is real, inverted, and diminished in size when the object is placed between 2f and f. The image is located on the opposite side of the lens compared to the object.

Remember, the actual positions and properties of the image can vary depending on the exact placement of the object and the characteristics of the lens. The steps outlined above provide a general understanding of tracing and describing the image formed by a convex lens.

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