Who was the first Louisiana governor elected under the Constitution of 1867 ?

a) Henry Watkins Allen
b) Oscar Dunn
c) Michael Hanh
d) Henry Clay Warmoth


Benjamin Franklin isn't an answer choice

Nope. Keep reading.

Henry clay

The first step in finding the answer to this question is to understand that the Constitution of 1867 refers to the Louisiana State Constitution that was in effect in the late 19th century. To determine the first Louisiana Governor elected under this constitution, we need to research the historical information regarding the governors during that time period.

One way to find this information is through an internet search engine. You can search for phrases like "Louisiana governor under the Constitution of 1867" or "list of Louisiana governors from 1867 onwards." These searches will likely provide you with reliable sources, such as history websites or official government websites, that will list the governors during the relevant period.

In this particular case, you are given a list of options to choose from. Let's examine the options and see if we can find the correct answer.

a) Henry Watkins Allen: He served as the Confederate Governor of Louisiana during the Civil War from 1864 to 1865. Since he was not elected under the Constitution of 1867, we can eliminate this option.

b) Oscar Dunn: It is known that Oscar Dunn was the first African American lieutenant governor of Louisiana and served from 1868 to 1871. However, the question asks about the first governor elected, so we can eliminate this option as well.

c) Michael Hanh: Based on the given options, this appears to be a typo as there is no known governor by this name in Louisiana history.

d) Henry Clay Warmoth: Henry Clay Warmoth served as the governor of Louisiana from 1868 to 1872. His term overlapped with the time under the Constitution of 1867, making him a potential candidate for the correct answer.

Based on the research and the options provided, it seems that the correct answer to the question is d) Henry Clay Warmoth.