if u used the word appartenir while doing passe compose, would it be one of the words of DR MRS VANDERTRAMP, as in, u's have to use the verb etre? cuz i think tenir is one of those words i think...

Please Help =) Thanks!


you use "avoir"

I am pretty sure appartenir is not a (vandertramp) verb.

Thank you all for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here are the verbs of DrMrsVandertramp:

D = devenir
r = rentrer
M = mourir
r = rester
s = sortir
V = venir
a = arriver
n = naître
d = descendre
e = entrer
r = revenir
t = tomber
r = rentrer
a = aller
m = monter
p = partir

(sometimes "passer" when it means "to go by for someone; to pick them up" takes être.

It's often easier if you've seen "The House of Être" or if you pair them up.

aller / venir
arriver / partir
entrer / sortir
monter / descendre
revenir / r etourner / rentrer
tomber / rester / devenir
naître / mourir


Yes, you are correct! The verb "appartenir" falls under the category of verbs that use "être" as the auxiliary verb in the passé composé when conjugated. These verbs are known as "verbs of motion and state" and are part of the mnemonic DR MRS VANDERTRAMP.

DR MRS VANDERTRAMP is a mnemonic used in French to remember which verbs use "être" instead of "avoir" as the helping verb in the passé composé. Each letter in this acronym represents a verb that falls into this category. Let's break it down:

D - Devenir (to become)
R - Revenir (to come back)
M - Montrer (to show)
R - Rester (to stay)
S - Sortir (to go out)
V - Venir (to come)
A - Arriver (to arrive)
N - Naître (to be born)
D - Descendre (to go down)
E - Entrer (to enter)
R - Rentrer (to go back in)
T - Tomber (to fall)
R - Retourner (to go back)
A - Aller (to go)
M - Mourir (to die)
P - Partir (to leave)

So, when using "appartenir" in the passé composé, the helping verb would be "être." The conjugated form would be "être + appartenir" based on the subject and tense.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.