What is the general location of the following places;

-Tropical rain forest
-Desert & tundra
-temperate forests

Thanks in advance :)

Check this biome map.


Thank you Ms.Sue, that site is great help! :)

You're welcome, Selaine. :-)

The general locations of the following places are as follows:

1. Tropical Rainforest: Tropical rainforests are located near the equator within the tropical regions. They are found in Central and South America, Africa, Southeast Asia, and Oceania. These regions have a warm climate with high levels of rainfall throughout the year.

2. Desert & Tundra: Deserts are typically found in regions with little rainfall and extreme temperature variations. They are located in the mid-latitudes, such as the Sahara Desert in Africa, the Arabian Desert in the Middle East, and the Mojave Desert in North America.

Tundra regions are found at high latitudes, primarily in the Arctic and subarctic regions, like northern Canada, Alaska, Scandinavia, and Russia. These areas are characterized by long, cold winters and a short summer season.

3. Temperate Forests: Temperate forests are found in regions with moderate climates, typically between the tropics and the polar regions. They are prevalent in Europe, eastern North America, Japan, and parts of southern South America. These areas have distinct four seasons with moderate rainfall and temperature fluctuations.

To determine the general location of specific places, it is helpful to refer to maps, atlases, or online resources that provide geographical information and climate distributions. By analyzing these sources, you can gain a better understanding of the general locations of tropical rainforests, deserts, tundras, and temperate forests.