Isaac made a mistake in his checkbook. He wrote a check for $8.98 to rent a video game but mistakenly recorded it in his checkbook as an $8.98 deposit.

Represent each transaction with a rational number, and explain the difference between the transactions.

Check = -$8.98

Deposit = +$8.98

Difference between the two:

$8.98 - (-$8.98) = ?

use absolute value to explain how a debit of $8.98 and credit of $8.98 are similar

the different between both of them is that one is negative and the other one is positive

The debit is where you have to pay extra when you use it. Credit doesn't!!!!!


Can somebody help with this problem i need help rn =(

use absolute value to explain how a debit of $ 8.98 and a credit of $8.98 are similar.

what is the cooler A-2.91|B 5.7 |C-4.3

i need help also

To represent each transaction with a rational number, we can assign positive or negative values to the transactions based on whether they involve money going in or out of the account.

Let's start with the check that Isaac wrote for $8.98 to rent a video game. Since this involves money going out of Isaac's account, we can represent it as a negative rational number. Thus, we can represent this transaction as -8.98.

Next, we have the mistake Isaac made while recording the transaction in his checkbook. Instead of subtracting $8.98 from his account balance, he mistakenly recorded it as a deposit. Since a deposit represents money coming into the account, we can represent it as a positive rational number. Therefore, we can represent this mistake as +8.98.

The difference between the transactions lies in the sign of the rational number representing each transaction. The check Isaac wrote for $8.98 is represented with a negative sign because it involves money leaving the account, indicating a decrease in the account balance. On the other hand, the mistake he made by recording it as a deposit is represented with a positive sign because it implies money coming into the account, suggesting an increase in the account balance.

By assigning positive and negative signs to the transactions, we can accurately represent the flow of money in and out of Isaac's account and differentiate between the check and the mistake in his checkbook.

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