what is a special noun

It may be an abstract noun.

special nouns are abstract nouns like names of qualities,emotions or ideas

A special noun, also known as a proper noun, is a type of noun that refers to a particular person, place, organization, or thing. It is usually capitalized in English. Proper nouns are different from common nouns, which refer to general people, places, things, or ideas.

To identify a special noun, you can look for specific characteristics:

1. Capitalization: Proper nouns always start with a capital letter, regardless of their position in a sentence.
Example: John, New York City, Google

2. Uniqueness: Special nouns represent specific individuals, locations, or objects that are unique and easily distinguishable.
Example: Eiffel Tower, Barack Obama, The Beatles

3. Specific Names: Proper nouns often include given names, surnames, brand names, titles, or unique terms.
Example: Mount Everest, Taj Mahal, Ford Motor Company

It's important to note that while there are specific rules to identify special nouns, there can be variations and exceptions. Proper nouns can be common words used as names, such as Apple (the company) or Orange (the city in California). Context and capitalization play a significant role in distinguishing them as proper nouns.