For the points R (9,4), A (-2,4) and T (9,3),find the length of the hornizontal and vertical sides of the figure.

RA = 11

RT = 1


To find the length of the horizontal and vertical sides of the figure formed by the points R(9,4), A(-2,4), and T(9,3), we need to calculate the difference in their x-coordinates and y-coordinates.

Length of the horizontal side (Base):
To calculate the length of the horizontal side, we need to find the difference between the x-coordinates of points R and A. The x-coordinate of point R is 9, and the x-coordinate of point A is -2. Therefore, the length of the horizontal side is:

Length_horizontal = |9 - (-2)| = |9 + 2| = 11

So, the length of the horizontal side is 11 units.

Length of the vertical side (Height):
To calculate the length of the vertical side, we need to find the difference between the y-coordinates of points R and T. The y-coordinate of point R is 4, and the y-coordinate of point T is 3. Therefore, the length of the vertical side is:

Length_vertical = |4 - 3| = 1

So, the length of the vertical side is 1 unit.

Therefore, the length of the horizontal side is 11 units, and the length of the vertical side is 1 unit.