1. Another word for buoyed is


2. If someone is illiterate, he is unable to

walk on his own.
see without glasses.
read and write.***
operate a car.

3. Something that is nutritious is

hard to find.
good for you.***
bad for you.

4. When someone shows persistence, she

acts lazy during hard tasks.
relies on her friends.
argues for no reason.
keeps going no matter what.***

5. If something is in perpetual motion, it

starts and stops suddenly.
changes directions frequently.***
is moving constantly.
speeds up very quickly.

6. She showed her convictions by

talking to her friend about her day.
asking people to sign a petition.
changing her mind after a few minutes.***
training all fall for the softball tryouts.

I agree with you on 1-3.

I disagree on 4 and 5.



I think 4 is right, but 5 and 6 are wrong.


"Persistence" means: firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
@Ms. Sue
#5. is it C? cause i couldn't chose between the two.
#6.idk about this one.

Ms Sue is right; your answer for 4 is correct.

5 C is correct

Did you look up convictions?

It is a firmly held belief or opinion.

Right, so what will you mark for 6?

so i believe the answer would be: B.


Thank you very much madame. U 2 Writeacher. :)

You're welcome!