If someone was born on March 14, 1879 (A.D.) and died on April 18, 1955, how long did they live for (years, months, days, please)?


14n - 7n = 37 - 2
7n = 35
n = ?

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To calculate the number of years, months, and days someone lived, we need to subtract their birthdate from their date of death. Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Calculate the number of years
To calculate the number of years, we subtract the birth year from the death year: 1955 - 1879 = 76 years.

Step 2: Calculate the number of months
Next, we compare the birth month to the death month. Since the birth month is March (3) and the death month is April (4), it means the person lived for the full month of March (31 days) and only a partial month in April.

Step 3: Calculate the number of days
To find the number of days, we consider the number of days from the person's birthdate until the end of March, and then add the number of days from April 1st until the person's date of death.

- In March, there are 31 days.
- In April, the person lived for 18 days (from April 1st to April 18th).

Step 4: Combine the results
Putting it all together, the person lived for 76 years, 1 month, and 18 days.

So, the person lived for 76 years, 1 month, and 18 days.

how do you solve 14n+2-7n=37

Thanks! :) This will be a great end to my research report on Albert Einstein.

First, subtract: 1955 - 1879 = ? years

Now for the month and days:

March 14 - April 14 = 1 month
14 - 18 = 4 days