During this time period writers sought to capture the ___ of the Americas people during this-era of a new post war economy and society answers are peace, anger, anxiety, all the above thanks

peace I beleive

Which time period?

It don't say that is the question

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the question and analyze it.

The question refers to a specific time period in the Americas, specifically during the era of a new post-war economy and society. The writers in this time period were seeking to capture a specific aspect or emotion of the people.

Now let's evaluate the answer choices:

- "Peace": This option suggests that the writers were focused on portraying a sense of tranquility and calm among the people. While peace can be a desirable outcome after a period of conflict, it might not accurately capture the sentiments and experiences of the people during a time of significant change.

- "Anger": This option suggests that the writers were attempting to depict anger among the people. Anger could be a valid emotion during a time of transition, especially if certain segments of society were dissatisfied with the changes or felt left behind.

- "Anxiety": This option implies that the writers aimed to convey a sense of worry or unease among the people. Anxiety is often present during periods of significant change, as individuals may feel uncertain about their future or the outcomes of social and economic shifts.

Considering the context of a new post-war economy and society, all the above emotions (peace, anger, and anxiety) could be plausible themes that writers sought to capture during this time period. Therefore, the correct answer can be stated as "all the above."