the term i accidently ommited was I205(S). THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!!

I'm still confused. I understand about the I2O5 but that won't give the Keq expression you listed. What about doing us both a favor and typing the entire question in one place; i.e., here. And is there an initial concentration of I2O5?

Since the I2O5 is a solid, it doesn't need a concentration. But if

I2O5 + 5CO ==> 5CO2 + I2, then it is balanced and

Keq = (CO2)^5(I2)/(CO)^5
which is not the same as you initially wrote Keq. The I2 was squared initially. I will assume (I2) without the squared number is the correct way to write it.
If (CO) = 1 initially
then I2 is 0 initially and
CO2 is 0 initally.

If (CO) is 0.25 at equilibrium, that means CO changed by -0.75.
(CO2) changed by + 0.75
(I2) changed by 0.75/5 = +0.15

Add them together to obtain equilibrium conditions.
(CO) = 1 - 0.75 = 0.25
(I2) = 0 + 0.15 = 0.15
(CO2) = 0 + 0.75 0.75

Plug those values into Keq expression and solve.

i got 36 is that right?

I ran through it quickly and obtained 36.4 which rounds to 36.

thanks:) i still don't get the logic behind it... so can you please explain to me why your subtract 1.0 -.25, and then why you got .15. thanks:)

I2O5(s) + 5CO ==> 5CO2 + I2

Have you used an ICE chart? I tried to do that in the first post but I had to write them vertically as initial, change, and equilibrium. These boards can't handle more than one space at a time, SO, let me put periods for spacing. Just ignore the periods. For example
would be four columes labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4, and I could put things under those columns like this
In addition, I will add a number in parentheses which will be a sequence number. That will tell you the sequence in which you are to read the numbers.
I = Initial
C = Change
E = Equilibrium
The equation again:
I2O5(s) + 5CO ==> 5CO2 + I2
C.. (3)-0.75 ...(4)0.75..(4)0.15

Here is the way the ICE chart is formed. Sequence 1: The problem states that the CO is 1 M initially. Of course CO2 and I2 are 0 since the reaction hasn't started. Next, you go to sequence 2; the problem states that at equilibrium the CO is 0.25 so that goes at E conditions and we immediately know that (sequence 3) that the concn was 1 to begin, 0.25 at the end and it must have changed by -0.75.
That allows us to go to sequence 4 and fill in the CO2 and I2. The coefficients of CO and CO2 are 5; therefore, if CO changed by -0.75, we know CO2 must have changed by +0.75. And we know I2 changed by 0.75 x (1 mol I2/5 mol CO) = 0.15. The final sequence is (5) which just adds the Initial value to the change value to obtain the equilibrium value. I hope this helps.

You're welcome! If you accidentally omitted the term "I205(S)," I assume you are looking for information related to it. To find out more about the term "I205(S)," you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a general search on the internet. Open your preferred search engine (such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo) and enter the term "I205(S)" in the search bar.

2. Review the search results presented to you. Look for relevant websites, articles, or forums that might contain information about "I205(S)." It's essential to be cautious about the reliability of the sources you encounter.

3. Pay attention to any context clues that may help you understand the meaning of "I205(S)." Consider whether "I205(S)" refers to a specific place, a road or highway system, a product or service, a technical term in a particular field, or any other related possibilities.

4. If you cannot find specific information about "I205(S)" through a general search, you may need to refine your search terms. Try including additional keywords or context to narrow down the search results.

5. If you are still unable to find the information you are seeking online, consider reaching out to relevant experts or organizations related to the domain of "I205(S)" for further assistance. This could include government transportation agencies, professional associations, or online communities specializing in the field.

Remember, the steps provided here are general guidelines to assist you in researching the term "I205(S)." It's important to consider the context and adjust your approach accordingly.