2. Which waves have the longest wavelength and lowest energy on the electromagnetic spectrum? (1 point)

a. X-rays
b. infrared
c. radio waves
d. gamma rays

its radio waves

radio waves.

Ever see a low frequency radio antenna :) ?

there are radio waves kilometers long.

Look at the chart on the right of that link and the legend beneath it.

what process describes the transfer of heat through matter by molecular activity

To determine which waves have the longest wavelength and lowest energy on the electromagnetic spectrum, we need to have a basic understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum is a range of electromagnetic waves that vary in terms of their wavelength and energy.

To find the waves with the longest wavelength and lowest energy, we should start by knowing that wavelength is the distance between successive peaks or troughs of a wave, and energy is inversely related to wavelength. In other words, longer wavelengths have lower energy.

Now, let's analyze the options provided:

a. X-rays: X-rays have shorter wavelengths and higher energy compared to the other options, so it is not the correct answer.

b. Infrared: Infrared waves have longer wavelengths compared to X-rays, but they still have higher energy compared to the waves we are looking for. Therefore, this is not the answer.

c. Radio waves: Radio waves have the longest wavelength on the electromagnetic spectrum, and consequently, they have the lowest energy. This makes radio waves the correct answer.

d. Gamma rays: Gamma rays have extremely short wavelengths and very high energy, so they are not the answer we seek.

In conclusion, the waves with the longest wavelength and lowest energy on the electromagnetic spectrum are radio waves, making option c the correct answer.

I think it's a. X-rays