Write a statement that assigns the length of an array named strAddressBook to a variable named


int intAddressCount = strAddressBook.length;

intAddressCount = strAddressBook.length;

To assign the length of an array named `strAddressBook` to a variable named `intAddressCount`, you can use the length property of arrays in most programming languages.

Here's an example of how you can do it in Python:

strAddressBook = ["John", "Jane", "Jack", "Jill"]
intAddressCount = len(strAddressBook)

In this example, we have an array called `strAddressBook` containing names, and we use the `len()` function to get the length of the array. We then assign the length to a variable called `intAddressCount`.

The `len()` function works by returning the number of elements in an object. When called with an array as its argument, it returns the number of elements in that array.

You can adapt this code to your specific programming language by replacing `strAddressBook` with the name of your array.