x^3(sinx)/ 5cosx

To simplify the expression (x^3*sin(x))/(5*cos(x)), we can divide the numerator and denominator separately.

Step 1: Divide the numerator, x^3*sin(x), by the denominator, 5*cos(x), separately.

Step 2: Simplify the numerator.

The numerator, x^3*sin(x), cannot be simplified further.

Step 3: Simplify the denominator.

The denominator, 5*cos(x), cannot be simplified further.

So, the simplified expression is (x^3*sin(x))/(5*cos(x)).

To evaluate the expression x^3(sinx)/ 5cosx, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the expression.

Write the expression as (x^3 * sinx) / (5 * cosx).

Step 2: Apply trigonometric identities and simplify further.

Recall the identity: sinx / cosx = tanx.

Now we can rewrite the expression as (x^3 * sinx) / (5 * cosx) = x^3 * (sinx / cosx) / 5.

Replacing sinx / cosx with tanx, we get x^3 * tanx / 5.

Step 3: Answer the expression.

So, the final simplified expression is x^3 * tanx / 5.

Note: It is important to be aware of any restrictions on the domain of the function when dealing with trigonometric functions, such as avoiding division by zero for cosx.