Write an inequality to describe the situation.

A sleeping bag will keep a person warm in temperatures down to -20 degrees farenheit.

Temperature > -20º F

Sure thing! Here's an inequality that describes the situation:

Let's say x represents the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. The inequality would be:

x ≥ -20

In other words, as long as the temperature is greater than or equal to -20 degrees Fahrenheit, the sleeping bag will keep a person warm. Otherwise, it might be time to invest in a warmer sleeping bag or some extra blankets! Stay cozy!

Let's define the variable "T" to represent the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. The inequality to describe the situation would be:

T ≥ -20

To write an inequality to describe the situation, we need to determine what we are comparing. In this case, we are comparing the temperature to the sleeping bag's capability to keep a person warm.

Let's assume that 'x' represents the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. Since the sleeping bag will keep a person warm in temperatures down to -20 degrees Fahrenheit, we can write the following inequality:

x <= -20

This inequality states that 'x' (the temperature) must be less than or equal to -20 for the sleeping bag to keep a person warm.