Neil gets in an elevator at the 30th floor and it begins to move downward at a speed of 8 feet per second. After 12 seconds the elevator is 240 feet above ground.

a. Let y= the height in feet of the elevator 'x' secinds after Neil got in. Write an equation to show the relationship of 'x' and 'y'

To write the equation that relates the height of the elevator 'y' to the time 'x' in seconds, we can use the formula for the position of an object in linear motion:

y = y0 + v0 * t

y = height of the elevator after time 't'
y0 = initial height of the elevator (30th floor or 30 * 8 = 240 feet in this case)
v0 = initial velocity of the elevator (moving downward at a speed of 8 feet per second)
t = time in seconds

So the equation becomes:

y = 240 - 8 * x

This equation represents the relationship between the time 'x' in seconds and the height 'y' in feet of the elevator after Neil got in.

Got to know how high the 30th floor is.