what is it when the formation of new opinions, plans or ideas that can be agreed to or shared by members of several political parties?

Nesiia, we do not do your homework for you. Please check your text book, then repost with what YOU think. We will then be happy to give you further suggestions.

the book doesnt help unless i want to read the whole thing right now....im in an after school class taking government on the computer and the teacher doesnt get it....ive looked even on the net and cant find anything

I would call that "conpromise". I have no idea what your book has to say about it.


The term you're referring to is "consensus-building." Consensus-building is the process of developing new opinions, plans, or ideas that can be agreed upon or shared by members of different political parties. This is crucial in situations where diverse perspectives and interests need to be taken into account in order to achieve common goals. Consensus-building typically involves open dialogue, negotiation, compromise, and finding common ground among different party members. By promoting collaboration and understanding, consensus-building helps to bridge the gap between political parties and fosters the development of shared solutions.

If you would like to explore this topic further, I recommend looking into books, articles, or academic papers on consensus-building in politics. Additionally, you can follow political news and observe instances where consensus-building techniques are utilized to address complex issues. This will provide you with a better understanding of how consensus-building can be applied in real-world political settings.