A clinic has $1 million in revenues and $950,000 in costs. What is its operating margin? My answer is 5%

However the second question is if the clinic invested $400,000. What is the return on investment and is it adequate. Not sure how I calculate that. Would I take the 5% of $400,000

10.3 A laboratory has $4.2 million in revenues and $3.85 million in costs. What is its operating margin?

To calculate the operating margin, you can use the formula:

Operating Margin = (Revenues - Costs) / Revenues

In this case, the revenues are $1 million and the costs are $950,000. Plugging these numbers into the formula, we get:

Operating Margin = ($1,000,000 - $950,000) / $1,000,000
= $50,000 / $1,000,000
= 0.05

So the operating margin is 0.05 or 5%.

For the second question about return on investment (ROI), it is a measure of profitability that indicates the return earned on an investment relative to its cost. The formula for ROI is:

ROI = (Net Profit / Investment) x 100

To calculate the ROI, we need to determine the net profit. The net profit can be calculated by subtracting the costs from the revenues. In this case, the net profit is $1,000,000 - $950,000 = $50,000.

Now, let's calculate the ROI using the formula:

ROI = ($50,000 / $400,000) x 100
= 0.125 x 100
= 12.5%

So the return on investment is 12.5%.

Whether or not this ROI is adequate depends on various factors such as industry standards, risk tolerance, and desired returns. It would be best to compare the clinic's ROI with benchmark data or industry averages to evaluate its adequacy.

To calculate the operating margin, you need to divide the operating income by the revenues and then multiply by 100 to express it as a percentage.

Operating income = Revenues - Costs
Operating income = $1,000,000 - $950,000
Operating income = $50,000

Operating margin = (Operating income / Revenues) x 100
Operating margin = ($50,000 / $1,000,000) x 100
Operating margin = 5%

So, your calculation of a 5% operating margin is correct.

Now, let's move on to the return on investment (ROI). ROI is a measure of profitability, indicating the return generated from an investment relative to its cost. To calculate ROI, you need the net profit and the initial investment.

Net profit = Revenues - Costs
Net profit = $1,000,000 - $950,000
Net profit = $50,000

ROI = (Net profit / Initial investment) x 100
ROI = ($50,000 / $400,000) x 100
ROI = 12.5%

The return on investment is 12.5%. To determine if this is adequate, it depends on several factors, such as industry standards, risk tolerance, and alternative investment opportunities. In general, a higher ROI is considered better, but the adequacy of the ROI also depends on the specific circumstances and goals of the investor.