I do have some corrections made but my computer wont let me copy and paste the part I did. Please Help.

This is the uncorrected version:

Scientists report that creatures living in the deep sea are in danger of starving to death. Millions of undiscovered species live, in the deep sea. Creatures in the seabed are suffering from growing food shortages. Which may be a result of rising sea temperatures. Scientists believe that some species will die out, those that can survive on a low food supply will continue living. Not much is known about the creatures that live in the deep sea, not much is known about the changes in their diets. Scientists estimate that up to 10 million species live in the depths of the sea. Most animals of the deep rely on food chains that begin. In the lighted realms of the sea. Microscopic plants called phytoplankton. Capture the sun and start the food cycle. Wherever there are animal droppings, there is a constant rain of organic matter that feeds the bottom dwellers.

I have some corrections made, but it wont let me copy and paste it.

Please Help.

List the corrections you have made ... type them out. Clearly copying/pasting is not working on your computer!

I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble copying and pasting the corrected version of the text. Although I cannot directly access your computer or assist with technical issues, I can guide you on how to manually incorporate the corrections into your text.

1. Open the original document with the uncorrected version of the text.
2. Locate the part where you made the corrections.
3. Begin typing the corrections manually into the document, ensuring you make the necessary changes to the text as you go along.
4. Verify the accuracy of your changes by referring to the corrected version you have.
5. Continue typing the corrections until you have completed the entire section that needs to be updated.

If you encounter any specific difficulties or have further questions, please let me know, and I'll be happy to assist you.

If you are unable to copy and paste the corrected version of the text, you can manually type out the corrections you made. It may be helpful to have the original text and your corrected version side by side to ensure you do not miss any changes. As you manually type out the corrections, make sure to read through the text carefully to catch any errors or inconsistencies. Once you have typed out the corrected version, you can compare it with the original text to ensure that all the necessary changes have been made.