I'm reviewing for a test tomorrow, and I was wondering about this question.

Convert 55 mi/gal to meters/liter.

I'm not sure how to go about it, though when I tried it I got 89000.0m/4L. But, I'm not sure if that is right.

I went to google and typed in 55 miles per gallon to meters per liter and up popped the number 23,382.9 m/L. Of course I doubt you will have access to google on a test. There are many different conversions one can use but I try to these from just memorizing a few.

For miles.
5,280 ft in a mile.
12 inches in a foot
2.54 cm in an inch
100 cm in a meter
4 quarts in a gallon.
1.0567 liters in a quart.

55 mi/gal x (5,280 ft/mi) x (12 in/ft) x (2.54 cm/in) x (1 m/100 cm) x (1 gal/4 qts) x (1.0567 L/qt) = 23383.2 which is very close to googles answer. The difference is in rounding.
Your answer of 89,000/4L is 22,250/L which is very close. Post your work if you want me to check it but I suspect the difference is rounding for you, also.

Yup! Thank you!

To convert 55 miles per gallon to meters per liter, we need to use conversion factors. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Convert miles to meters
To convert miles to meters, we know that 1 mile is equal to 1609.34 meters. So we can set up a conversion factor:

(55 miles) x (1609.34 meters/1 mile) = 88513.7 meters

So, 55 miles is equal to 88513.7 meters.

Step 2: Convert gallons to liters
To convert gallons to liters, we know that 1 gallon is equal to approximately 3.78541 liters. So we can set up another conversion factor:

(1 gallon) x (3.78541 liters/1 gallon) = 3.78541 liters

So, 1 gallon is equal to approximately 3.78541 liters.

Step 3: Find meters per liter
Now that we have converted miles to meters and gallons to liters, we can calculate meters per liter by dividing the meters by liters:

(88513.7 meters) / (3.78541 liters) = 23374.63 meters/liter

So, the conversion of 55 miles per gallon to meters per liter is approximately 23374.63 meters per liter.

It seems that you may have made an error when performing the conversion. The correct conversion is around 23374.63 meters/liter, not 89000.0m/4L.