Can someone please proofread my Spanish? Thank you.

it will not let me post my HW because it says that I have posted a link but I haven't.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. We'd be glad to proofread it if you can post it! Please try again. You can not copy and paste but must type it within this box.

If you're unable to post your Spanish homework because it says you've included a link, here are a few steps you can try to resolve the issue:

1. Double-check your text: Ensure that you haven't accidentally included any web addresses or URLs in your homework. Remove any suspicious-looking text that might be mistaken for a link.

2. Use a different format: If you have the option, try submitting your Spanish homework in a different file format. For example, instead of copying and pasting the text, you might be able to attach a document or upload a scanned image. This could bypass any filters that are flagging your text as containing a link.

3. Seek alternative submission methods: If the online platform you're using to submit your homework has a support team or teacher/professor, reach out to them for assistance. They may be able to provide guidance or alternative methods for submitting your work.

Remember, it's always a good idea to review your work for grammar, spelling, and clarity before submitting it for proofreading.