¿Cómo quieres que sean / funcionen los medios de comunicación?

I just wanted to know what this sentence translates to

Muchas gracias

With my basic Spanish:

How do you want the means of communication to be/function?

The sentence "¿Cómo quieres que sean / funcionen los medios de comunicación?" translates to "How do you want the media to be / function?"

In this sentence, the speaker is asking for your opinion or desired characteristics about how the media should operate. They are interested in knowing your preferences for the functioning and characteristics of the media.

To translate the sentence, you can use various translation tools such as online translation websites, mobile applications, or even language translation devices. These tools typically provide accurate translations from one language to another. You can simply type or input the sentence in the source language (Spanish in this case) and select or specify the target language (English, for example) to obtain the translation.

Remember that while translation tools can be helpful, they may not always provide the most nuanced or contextually accurate translations. Therefore, it's always beneficial to consult with a human translator or a native speaker to ensure the accuracy and clarity of the translation.