is there a website for daoism for children?

This is the best I could find.

I Googled Daoism kids and Taoism kids and found these two sites.

Yes, there are websites available that provide information on Daoism for children. Here are a couple of websites you can explore:

1. The first website is This website offers a comprehensive introduction to Daoist beliefs and practices, including sections specifically designed for children.

2. Another website you can check out is This site provides an overview of Taoism and its history, explaining it in a way that is accessible for children.

3. Additionally, you may want to visit, which is a website specifically created for kids, featuring different religious traditions, including Daoism.

To find these websites, I simply used a search engine like Google and searched for "Daoism for children" and "Taoism for kids." By using relevant search terms, you can often find websites, articles, and resources tailored for specific age groups or interests.