using commas

"The first match starts at 9:00 A.M.," said Travis.

Anita asked, "Do you want to get seats in the same section as yesterday?"

"That's fine with me," said Nick.

Nick said, "Ferga's first match is in Court B.

"I'll bring the binoculars," said Anita, "and you can bring the cooler."

Commas are all correct. Be sure there are closing quotation marks for the 4th sentence.

In this conversation, commas are used to indicate dialogue tags and to separate different parts of the conversation. Here's a breakdown of the comma usage in each sentence:

1. "The first match starts at 9:00 A.M.," said Travis.
- A comma is used after the quoted sentence to separate it from the dialogue tag "said Travis."

2. Anita asked, "Do you want to get seats in the same section as yesterday?"
- A comma is used after the introductory phrase "Anita asked" to separate it from the quoted sentence.

3. "That's fine with me," said Nick.
- A comma is used after the quoted sentence to separate it from the dialogue tag "said Nick."

4. Nick said, "Ferga's first match is in Court B."
- A comma is not used in this sentence because the dialogue tag "said Nick" is placed after the quoted sentence. If the dialogue tag was placed before the quoted sentence, a comma would be used.

5. "I'll bring the binoculars," said Anita, "and you can bring the cooler."
- Commas are used to separate the quoted sentences within the larger dialogue. The first comma appears after the first quoted sentence and the second comma appears after the phrase "said Anita" to separate the two quoted sentences.