an alternate ending to the story, the bicycle by Jillian Horton 200-250 words in lenght please!! It's due tomorrow and I'm stressing out. If you haven't read it before here's the

No one will write your assignment for you.

If you want to post what you write, though, someone here will check it for you.

I'm sorry, but as an AI, I am unable to access or retrieve specific stories or texts. I do not have the capability to provide an alternate ending to a specific story without the necessary information.

However, I can guide you on how to create an alternate ending for a story like "The Bicycle" by Jillian Horton. Here's a step-by-step process to help you come up with your own ending:

1. Read the original ending: Make sure you have a clear understanding of how the story ends in order to develop a meaningful alternative. Analyze the characters, their motivations, and the overall message of the story.

2. Identify key plot points: Highlight the pivotal moments or conflicts that lead to the original ending. These will help you determine how your alternate ending will deviate from the original path.

3. Consider character arcs: Think about how the characters have evolved throughout the story. Consider their transformations, relationships, and motivations as you brainstorm potential alternate outcomes.

4. Expand on alternative possibilities: Take the story in a different direction. You can explore various scenarios, such as a twist in the plot, a surprising revelation, or a resolution that challenges the reader's expectations. Ensure that your alternative ending remains consistent with the tone and themes of the original story.

5. Reflect on the impact: Think about the emotional impact you want your alternate ending to have on the reader. Will it evoke a different set of emotions compared to the original ending? Will it provide a sense of closure, or leave room for further contemplation?

6. Write and revise: Once you have a clear concept for your alternate ending, start writing it. Consider the word count limit and ensure that your ending is concise and coherent. Edit and revise your writing for clarity, coherence, and grammar.

Remember, creating an alternate ending requires creativity and a deep understanding of the original story. By following these steps, you can develop a compelling alternative that showcases your own unique interpretation of the characters and their journey. Good luck with your assignment!