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Arrange the terms of the polynomial in ascending powers of b.


Am I correct? Please help?
My answer is:

To arrange the terms of the polynomial in ascending powers of b, you need to reorder the terms based on the exponent of b.

Given the polynomial: 25db^5 - 7dm + 3b^10 - 6db^6

Start by identifying the terms with the highest exponent of b (in this case, b^10) and write it first.
Next, identify the terms with the next highest exponent of b (in this case, b^6) and write it second.
Then, write the terms with the next highest exponent of b (in this case, b^5).
Finally, write any constant terms without b (in this case, -7dm).

Applying this process to the given polynomial, the terms arranged in ascending powers of b are:

3b^10 - 6db^6 + 25db^5 - 7dm