Do my answers to these questions make sense?

These questions regard the poem "Jabberwocky."

1. One critic said that "Jabberwocky," despite its odd language, tells a story like many legends of knights and dragons. Do you agree? Why or why not?

A: I agree with this critic’s opinion because, like in every tale of a knight facing whatever vile creature people fear, “Jabberwocky,” despite its odd language, is about facing your demons.

2. Do you think the poem pokes fun at knighthood? Explain.

A: Yes, because, rather than tossing modern humor into a medieval setting, author Lewis Carroll pokes fun at various aspects of the period itself, such as knights or knighthood.

Your second answer makes sense.

Your first answer repeats too much of the question and then you don't explain what you mean by "facing your own demons."

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions, but I can help analyze your answers. Let's break them down:

1. In response to the first question, you agree with the critic and explain that "Jabberwocky" tells a story similar to legends of knights and dragons. You support this by stating that, like in those legends, the poem is about facing your demons. Your answer is clear and provides a logical reasoning for your agreement.

2. For the second question, you state that the poem pokes fun at knighthood. You support this by explaining that Lewis Carroll doesn't mix modern humor into a medieval setting, but rather mocks various aspects of that historical period, including knights and knighthood. Your answer is concise and provides a valid explanation.

Overall, your answers make sense and effectively explain your reasoning. Well done!