I thought I was understanding this but I am really not sure about the symbols.

Does the 3*(13/20)^2*(7/20) translate to 3 times 13/20 times 2 times 7/20?
Sorry I am not up on the symbols...
I will keep trying.

No. * means multiplication

^ means to the power of, as in 3^2 is 32

No need to apologize, I'm here to help you understand. I can definitely explain the symbols involved in this expression.

The expression 3*(13/20)^2*(7/20) is a mathematical expression that involves a few symbols. Let's break it down step by step:

1. The asterisk symbol (*) represents multiplication. So when you see 3*(13/20), it means you need to multiply 3 by 13/20. Similarly, 2*(7/20) means you need to multiply 2 by 7/20.

2. The caret symbol (^) represents exponentiation or raising a number to a power. In this case, (13/20)^2 means you need to raise 13/20 to the power of 2.

Now let's put it all together:

3*(13/20)^2*(7/20) means you start by multiplying 3 by (13/20) squared, and then you multiply the result by 7/20.

To calculate the expression, you can follow these steps:
- First, calculate (13/20)^2 by multiplying 13/20 by itself: (13/20)^2 = (13/20) * (13/20) = 169/400.
- Then, multiply 3 by 169/400: 3 * (13/20)^2 = 3 * (169/400) = 507/400.
- Finally, multiply the result by 7/20: 507/400 * 7/20 = 3549/8000.

So, the expression 3*(13/20)^2*(7/20) simplifies to 3549/8000.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the symbols and how to calculate the expression. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!