The intellectual leader of the Social Gospel in America was

my book speaks of William Rainsford, Washington Gladden, and Walter Rauscchenbusch but doesnt say who the actual leader is?

Read very carefully.

To determine the intellectual leader of the Social Gospel movement in America, you can use a few different research methods:

1. Consult scholarly sources: Look for reputable books, academic articles, or journals that specifically discuss the Social Gospel movement in America. These sources often provide comprehensive analyses and identify key figures within the movement.

2. Historical analysis: Conduct a thorough examination of primary sources such as speeches, writings, or letters from prominent individuals associated with the Social Gospel movement. This can help you identify who had the greatest intellectual influence and leadership.

3. Biographical research: Explore the lives and careers of William Rainsford, Washington Gladden, and Walter Rauschenbusch, who you mentioned. Based on their accomplishments, influence, and contributions to the movement, you can compare their roles and influence to determine the intellectual leader.

It's worth noting that the concept of a single "intellectual leader" in complex social movements like the Social Gospel is a matter of interpretation and may not have a definitive answer. Scholars may have different opinions regarding the most influential figure.