1) How did Champlain improve the fur trade in 1608?

2)In the early 1600's why did the population of New France Not grow along with the demand for furs?

3) What was on of the responsibilities of the company of 100 Associates in return for a monopoly?

1) In 1608, Samuel de Champlain played a significant role in improving the fur trade in New France. To understand how he achieved this, we need to look into historical records or books that provide information about Champlain's actions and initiatives during that time. A good starting point would be to consult scholarly works, biographies, or historical documents related to Champlain and the fur trade in New France. Such sources can provide insights into the specific actions and policies implemented by Champlain to improve the fur trade, such as establishing alliances with Indigenous tribes, implementing regulations, creating trading posts, or promoting exploration and expansion.

2) To understand why the population of New France did not grow as much as the demand for furs during the early 1600s, we can delve into historical research or consult scholarly articles, books, or journals that discuss the demographic factors affecting New France at that time. Examining works from historians specializing in the history of New France, the relationship between population growth and fur trade can be explored.

Some possible factors that might have limited population growth despite the demand for furs could include:

- Harsh living conditions and high mortality rates: New France was a challenging and unfamiliar environment with extreme climate conditions. Mortality rates were high due to diseases, limited medical knowledge, and lack of proper sanitation.
- Inadequate incentives for immigration: The French colonization efforts may not have provided sufficient economic or social incentives to attract a sizable immigrant population to New France.
- Competition from other European powers: Other European powers, such as England and Spain, were actively engaged in colonization and fur trade in North America. This competition may have influenced the growth of New France and its population.

By exploring scholarly sources, historical accounts, and demographic studies, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the factors that contributed to the limited population growth in New France during the early 1600s.

3) The responsibility of the Company of 100 Associates, in return for their monopoly in New France, can be researched and understood by consulting primary sources or scholarly works that focus on the history of this period. These sources can shed light on the specific terms and agreements between the French government and the company.

The Company of 100 Associates was granted a monopoly over the fur trade and colonization in New France in 1627. In exchange, they had certain responsibilities. To find out more about these responsibilities, researching historical documents, official declarations, or official agreements between the company and the French government can provide specific details.

Additionally, historical analysis, books, or articles written by scholars specializing in the history of New France or the Company of 100 Associates can provide insights into their responsibilities. Some possible responsibilities of the company could include promoting settlement and colonization, developing economic activities, establishing trade relations with Indigenous communities, and contributing to the growth and development of New France.


