We haven't(any,no) more packages to wrap.

I think any

Wasn't there(anyone,no one) at home?
I think anyone

My dag has never harmed (anybody,nobody.)
I think anybody

They seldom have (anyone,no one) abasent from their meeting.
I think anybody

There weren't(any,no) clouds in the sky.
I think any.

All are right.

You are correct in your answers for most of the questions. Here is how you can determine the correct choice in each sentence:

1. "We haven't(any, no) more packages to wrap."
In this sentence, the correct choice is "any" because it indicates that there are no packages remaining to wrap.

2. "Wasn't there(anyone,no one) at home?"
The correct choice is "anyone" because it implies that there was nobody present at home.

3. "My dog has never harmed (anybody, nobody)."
The correct choice is "anybody" because it means that my dog has never caused harm to anyone.

4. "They seldom have (anyone, no one) absent from their meeting."
The correct choice is "anyone" because it suggests that it is rare for someone to be absent from their meeting.

5. "There weren't (any, no) clouds in the sky."
The correct choice is "any" because it indicates that there were no clouds present in the sky.