(�ã6+�ã2) (�ã6-�ã2)

Hey, I did this already

6 - 2 = 4 still

To simplify the expression (�ã6+�ã2) (�ã6-�ã2), we can use the distributive property of multiplication over addition/subtraction.

Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Simplify the first term (�ã6+�ã2).

When we add or subtract square roots, we can only combine the ones that have the same radicand (the number inside the square root symbol). In this case, both square roots have a radicand of 6.

�ã6 + �ã2 can be simplified as �ã(6+2) = �ã8.

Step 2: Simplify the second term (�ã6-�ã2).

Following the same logic as before, we have �ã6 - �ã2. Once again, since both square roots have the same radicand, we can subtract them.

�ã6 - �ã2 can be simplified as �ã(6-2) = �ã4.

Step 3: Multiply the simplified terms.

Now that we have �ã8 and �ã4 as the simplified terms, we can multiply them together:

(�ã8) (�ã4) = �ã(8 × 4) = �ã32.

So, the expression (�ã6+�ã2) (�ã6-�ã2) simplifies to �ã32.