Where should the comma be placed in this sentence. The chameleons turning from tan to green became invisible,answers are. After turning, became, chameleons. Thanks

The comma in the sentence, "The chameleons turning from tan to green became invisible," should be placed after the word "green."

To determine the correct placement of the comma, we need to identify the main parts of the sentence and any additional information. In this case, the main subject of the sentence is "The chameleons," and the main verb is "became." The phrase "turning from tan to green" is describing the chameleons.

When an additional phrase provides non-essential information that can be removed from the sentence without affecting its meaning, it is called a non-restrictive or non-essential clause. Non-restrictive clauses are usually set off by commas. In this case, the phrase "turning from tan to green" is providing additional information about the chameleons but is not essential to the meaning of the sentence. Therefore, it should be set off by commas.

The correct placement of the comma would be: "The chameleons, turning from tan to green, became invisible."

I'll be glad to check your answer.