In Ernest Hemingway An author's attitude toward a piece of work? Answers are,tone, voice, style thanks

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To understand an author's attitude toward a piece of work, we can analyze three key elements: tone, voice, and style.

1. Tone: This refers to the author's attitude or feelings towards the subject matter or audience. To identify the tone, pay attention to the choice of words, sentence structure, and overall mood conveyed in the writing. Consider whether the author's tone is serious, humorous, sarcastic, critical, or enthusiastic. The tone can provide clues about the author's emotions and opinions on the subject.

2. Voice: Voice relates to the author's unique style and perspective. It encompasses the author's personality, beliefs, and outlook, which are reflected through the writing. By examining an author's voice, you can gain insight into their intentions and attitudes. Ask yourself if the author seems objective, subjective, authoritative, personal, or detached. Voice helps shape the narrative style and the reader's experience.

3. Style: Style refers to the distinctive manner in which an author combines elements of language, such as word choice, sentence structure, and literary devices, to convey meaning. By analyzing an author's style, you can deduce their attitude towards the work. Consider whether the writing style is simple, complex, ornate, poetic, formal, or informal. The author's choice of style reflects their intentions, preferences, and overall attitude.

To determine an author's attitude toward a piece of work, look for consistent patterns or recurring themes in their tone, voice, and style. Pay close attention to the emotions evoked, the message being conveyed, and any underlying biases or perspectives expressed. Remember that understanding an author's attitude often requires careful examination and interpretation of their writing.