Can we add 23 and 40 without regrouping?

What is regrouping


To add 23 and 40 without regrouping, you need to consider the place value of each digit. Regrouping, also known as carrying, is a process used when adding numbers that involves carrying over the value of a digit when the sum of the current digits exceeds 9.

When adding 23 and 40, you start by aligning the digits based on their place value, which means putting the units digit (3) underneath the units digit (0) and the tens digit (2) underneath the tens digit (4):

+ 40

To determine if regrouping is needed, add the units digits together: 3 + 0 = 3. Since the sum is less than 10, there is no need to regroup.

Now, add the tens digits together: 2 + 4 = 6. Since this sum is also less than 10, you can write the sum below the line:

+ 40

Therefore, the sum of 23 and 40 without regrouping is 63. Regrouping is not necessary because each digit in the sum does not exceed 9.