girl is making pie with 3/4 cups of milk. she has six cups of milk. how many pies can she make with that amount of milk?

6 / (3/4) = ?

To find out how many pies the girl can make with 6 cups of milk, we need to calculate how many times 3/4 cups fit into 6 cups of milk.

To figure this out, we can set up a proportion and cross-multiply. The proportion is:

3/4 cups of milk = x pies
6 cups of milk = 1 pie

Cross-multiplying gives us:

3/4 * 1 = 6 * x
3/4 = 6x

Now we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 6:

(3/4) / 6 = x
3/24 = x
1/8 = x

So the girl can make 1 pie with 6 cups of milk, since 1/8 of 6 cups is equal to 3/4 cups.