The acceleration of gravity on the surface of a planet is 17.34 m/s^2. What is the weight on Jupiter of a woman whose weight on Earth is 122 lb?

(use 1 lb = 0.4536 kg where g = 9.8 m/s^2)

W_{woman} =

122 * 17.34/9.81

ive tried that and its wrong.....what did i do incorrectly?

To calculate the weight of the woman on Jupiter, we need to use the equation:

W = mg

where W is the weight, m is the mass, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

First, let's convert the woman's weight from pounds to kilograms using the conversion factor provided:

1 lb = 0.4536 kg

So, the woman's weight on Earth in kilograms (m) is:

m = (122 lb) * (0.4536 kg/1 lb)
m = 55.442 kg

Next, we need to calculate the acceleration due to gravity on Jupiter (g). The acceleration due to gravity on Earth is given as 9.8 m/s^2, but we are given that it is 17.34 m/s^2 on Jupiter.

Now, we can calculate the weight of the woman on Jupiter. Plugging the values into the formula:

W_{woman} = m * g
W_{woman} = (55.442 kg) * (17.34 m/s^2)
W_{woman} = 959.15 N

Therefore, the weight of the woman on Jupiter is 959.15 Newtons.